Modern Application Development on AWS

Build secure, high-performing cloud native applications that scale with your business.

From developing new applications to modernizing existing workloads, we architect secure, compliant cloud native solutions that leverage the innovation of the AWS Cloud.

Application development that starts with business strategy

Using a process that prioritizes a deep understanding of your challenges, goals, and user requirements, our application development approach is strategic so as to align resources to your business objectives.

Deep Cloud Native Development Expertise

As AWS certified developers, we are hands-on keyboard experts with experience across diverse technology stacks, programming languages, industries, and use cases

  • SaaS, Mobile, and IoT
  • Greenfield Applications
  • Application Modernization
  • DevOps and CI/CD
  • Containers & Serverless
  • Automation
  • Data & Analytics
  • AI/ML
  • UI/UX Design

Application Modernization

Migrating and modernizing your legacy applications and systems allows you to take full advantage of cloud’s native services. With years of experience helping public sector and commercial customers modernize workloads, our team supports digital transformation for:

  • Existing Applications
  • Database Transformation
  • Disaster Recovery Processes
  • Automation, DevOps
  • Infrastructure as Code

Our approach

Our advanced application development engagements integrate design thinking, DevOps practices, agile development, and Well-Architected principles – supported by data-driven insights and business intelligence.

Agile Development

Our Agile development approach ensures continuous feedback and improvement as well as visibility, flexibility, and adaptability throughout your software life cycle. This process reduces risk and removes redundancies while delivering higher quality code, enhanced predictability, and accelerated deployment.


We apply DevOps automation and CI/CD practices to ensure secure code development, automated testing, deployment, monitoring, and integration. We also use Infrastructure as Code to speed up cloud provisioning and application deployment in AWS EC2, Container, or Serverless environments.


We build well-architected applications supported by the secure, reliable, cost-effective infrastructure of the AWS Cloud. For existing app modernization, we apply the Well-Architected Framework to review problem areas, with specific recommendations and action items for remediation.


Unlock the transformative potential of the cloud

Our teams thrive on the difficult challenges. Reach out to learn how Effectual can help your organization Cloud Confidently® and meet your business objectives.

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