Serverless AWS Lambda Development

Increase agility and lower costs without servers

AWS Lambda

We use AWS Lambda to build serverless applications and backends with continuous scalability and cost flexibility.

Responding to public or private triggers, running code in parallel and individually processing events enables your application to scale exactly with your workload needs. You pay only when your code is running, keeping software development costs low even as you test and add functionality to your product.

AWS Lambda’s serverless architecture also allows you to implement microservices, eliminating the need to manage servers and reducing the administrative burden of code monitoring and logging.


AWS Lambda Features

We deploy the AWS Lambda serverless platform to deliver reliable, secure, scalable solutions for fast, efficient delivery at reasonable costs.

This provides powerful microservice architectures to enable rapid agile development, improve security and compliance, and support data and analytics.

Improve Performance

Achieve consistent performance for latency-sensitive applications without changing your code or managing compute resources.

Trust and Integrity Controls

Code Signing verifies that only unaltered code published by approved developers is deployed in your Lambda functions.

Integrated Security Model

Full integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to ensure secure code access to other AWS services.

Scalable Backend for IoT

Combined with Amazon Kinesis, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, and Amazon CloudWatch, we design and develop scalable, cost-efficient applications capable of processing data generated by thousands of connected devices. Manage your fleet of IoT devices using AWS Lambda functions to record sensor data, track errors, and scale as your devices grow.

Take a look at some of our serverless projects

Heifer International Engages Effectual for Rapid Data Center Evacuation to AWS, Resulting in Migration of 110 Virtual Machines in 2 Months

Heifer International Engages Effectual for Rapid Data Center Evacuation to AWS, Resulting in Migration of 110 Virtual Machines in 2 Months

About Heifer International   Heifer International is on a mission to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way by supporting and investing alongside local farmers and their communities. Founded in 1944, Heifer

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November 16, 2023
3 min 57 sec read
Kythera: Remaking their AWS environment to support mission-critical workloads 

Kythera: Remaking their AWS environment to support mission-critical workloads 

The Company  Kythera Space Solutions is the leading provider of dynamic management systems for next-generation satellite payloads and SATCOM networks. Kythera’s software solutions help customers manage and optimize their satellite

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November 13, 2023
3 min 7 sec read

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