Solving Problems with the Cloud

Solving Problems with the Cloud

With a clear strategy and the right expertise, you can use the cloud to address challenges such as remote work and scaling for growth. 

Data Integration Strategy: The Key to Business Intelligence

Data Integration Strategy: The Key to Business Intelligence

Your success at translating data into valuable business intelligence depends on a well-executed strategy focused on data integration.

How Private NAT Gateways Make for Easier Designs and Faster Deployments

How Private NAT Gateways Make for Easier Designs and Faster Deployments

The private NAT Gateway allows you to route directly to Virtual Private Gateways or Transit Gateways without an Internet Gateway in the path for resources

Leveraging Amazon EC2 F1 Instances for Development and Red Teaming in DARPA’s First-Ever Bug Bounty Program

Leveraging Amazon EC2 F1 Instances for Development and Red Teaming in DARPA’s First-Ever Bug Bounty Program

Effectual partnered with Galois to build a stable, reliable AWS environment for DARPA’s bug bounty program – with the ability to scale infrastructure, increase efficiencies,

Empowering Marketers and Driving Customer Engagement with Amazon Pinpoint

Empowering Marketers and Driving Customer Engagement with Amazon Pinpoint

In an increasingly virtual world of remote work, online learning, and digital interfacing, successful customer engagement can differentiate you from competitors and provide deeply valuable

App Modernization: Strategic Leverage for Managing Rapid Change

App Modernization: Strategic Leverage for Managing Rapid Change

The last few months of the COVID crisis have made this even more evident, dramatically exposing security faults and the limitations of outdated monolithic applications

Using Proofs of Concept to Increase Your ROI

Using Proofs of Concept to Increase Your ROI

Not so long ago, R&D departments had to fight for internal resources and justify capital expenditures in order to explore new technologies. Developing on premise

AWS IoT Solutions Accelerate the Potential of Edge Computing

AWS IoT Solutions Accelerate the Potential of Edge Computing

IoT is revolutionizing consumer markets, large-scale manufacturing and industrial applications at an incredible pace. In virtually every industry, these technologies are becoming synonymous with a

5 Reasons Your Development Team Should be Using the Well-Architected Framework

5 Reasons Your Development Team Should be Using the Well-Architected Framework

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers the most powerful platforms and innovative cloud technologies in the industry, helping you scale your business on demand, maximize efficiencies,

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